Why A Glass Shower Door Is Ideal For Upgrading A Bathroom

20 July 2023
 Categories: , Blog


Are you making minor updates to your bathroom to create a different type of vibe in the space? The look of the bathtub and shower area of your bathroom plays a role in the overall look of the space. For example, a shower that has a curtain hanging can give a bathroom an outdated look. A simple investment in a glass shower door is an upgrade that will add more value to your home, as well as make your bathroom look more elegant. Glass shower doors are also ideal because they give homeowners other benefits that shower curtains do not. 

Reduce Problems Caused by Mold Growth

A big problem with hanging a shower curtain is that it is prone to mold spores growing, especially with a fabric curtain. A shower is a moist area, that also produces a lot of heat when hot water is used. The environment is perfect for mold to grow on a shower curtain that is difficult to remove. Unless a shower curtain is cleaned on a regular basis, a small amount of mold will grow into a large amount in no time. A glass door resolves such a problem because it is not fabric and can be easily cleaned with a towel or sponge.

See the Contents of the Shower Easier

If you keep your shampoo, conditioner, and other self-care products in the shower like most people, it can be difficult to see everything with a shower curtain. The reason is due to a shower curtain making the shower area dark, especially if there is limited lighting in the bathroom. Not only will you see your self-care products by installing a glass shower door, but also things that can catch you by surprise. For instance, it is no fun to get into a dark shower and see a big spider sharing the space with you. You can spot such pests a lot easier by installing a glass door that allows more light into the shower area.

Improve Your Safety on the Shower Exterior

Installing a glass shower door can keep you a lot safer than a shower curtain. Although a shower curtain is made to prevent water from getting on the outside of the shower and onto the floor, sometimes water still gets on the floor. A wet floor is risky because you could slip and fall when getting out of the shower. A glass shower door will keep all of the water contained inside the shower area, which means your feet will be the only thing that is wet unless you dry them off.

Contact a local supplier or contractor to learn more about glass shower doors.